The Making of Mailchimp Clone- First project in Masai School

Minakshi Das
2 min readFeb 9, 2021

Mailchimp is a software that provides email marketing service. It help user to design email, newsletter, manage mailing list share them on social media.

Cloning mailchimp was the project in Masai School. We, AlkaNanda group of Sumarai- II have cloned the website in three days. We have used HTML,CSS and Javascript to clone the whole website.

We are able to create and publish the project under the mentorship of Nrupul Dev (Technical –Mentor) and Yogesh Bhatt(Co- founder and Soft-skill mentor).

Concepts we have used in the project

We have almost implemented all the topics that we have learnt in the last one months.We have tried to make even the even complex pages with simple concepts and functionalities.

Some of the concepts are:

· DOM (Events and Attributes)

· Flex, Grid

· Media Query( to make it responsive)

· CSS properties(To design the page)

· HTML (for the structure)

· JS(for adding some functionalities)

The main hurdle we faced

We were very clear about what to be done. But, we didn’t distributed work among us. As we wanted to all the things together so that everyone can cover each topic.

In the beginning it was little difficult to collaborate but it sorted out once we started working as a team.

Learning form the Project

We have learnt many things such a working as a team. Basically, we have focused on learning. We didn’t do anything new though. But, we have tried to clone it using our own technique.

You can check out our project in GitHub-

